“Luck is a poor man’s description of a wealthy man’s hustle”
Oh man… Wouldn’t we all like to be free from the shackles of everyday life, and live as we want?
……On our terms, doing the shit we love to do!!!!!!!!!
We all wanted to do something we are proud about…
The problem was, they told us we could be anything when we grew up …
They told us, if we went to school, got a job, that happiness would soon follow…
I wasn’t the type to color within the lines, I knew I wanted more than the standard 40-hour “dream”…
So that vision never really worked out for me – but I saw it happening everywhere…
Most of my 20s was spent pursuing the path of being in business for myself…
I was the outsider (The One Society Sees as “Going Nowhere Fast”)…
My Friends went to college only to come out years later with tens of thousands of dollars in debt and still not knowing where they wanted to go in life…
Friends who have dedicated their lives to companies who laid them off only to replace them with cheaper labor…
Their Names became access codes… Stripped of their unique identity and creativity …
See, the advice given to us for the most part was garbage…
Here’s The Good News!
The ability and power to shift, create, and expand was in us before they polluted our minds…
I did…
Now I own 2 businesses that I love, I don’t have a boss and I live how I want…
I made a commitment to myself that I would no longer work with people who drained my happiness and energy, that I would never allow myself to be in an opportunity where doing the right thing wasn’t possible… I haven’t looked back since.
I even get to travel now, which has always been a life goal of mine. I took a flight to Philadelphia to learn from two of my mentors at a mastermind with some of the other top marketers in the nation…
By the way – that flight was a 1-way ticket, because this is the chance of a lifetime – and I didn’t know how long I would need to be here to accomplish my goals. I choose when I fly back…
Yea I work a good amount, but we have to do something with our time anyways…
The important thing here is that you can do what you want. You can LIVE as you want…
The system would have you believe that you need it to survive, but all you need is yourself and the desire to succeed… If you’re not happy where you’re at, it’s not your fault – the game was rigged to begin with…
But you don’t have to play the game…
I invite you to start living for yourself again, and make your own luck.
(Originally posted from a mastermind I went to in Philly on this day 5 years ago to learn from one of my mentors on this journey Bobby Stocks. I could only afford a 1 way ticket to this event. He extended a huge olive branch to me to let me stay with him. I’ll never forget that kindness)