You see that bandage on my arm?
Just came across this photo… It was taken back in 2016 when I would go to the Plasma Center twice a week to get gas money to head to the food bank to feed the little kid standing next to me in it…
It was one of the hardest eras of my life – for a lot of reasons.
Twice a week I’d sit in that chair for 60-90 minutes and “donate” plasma.
They call it “donating” because it’s used to help a lot of people who NEED that plasma. That’s all true…
The problem is that you’re NOT “donating” because you want to help…
You’re donating because you don’t know any other way to get $25…
When you’re in that chair… Your back is against the wall… You’re desperate…
When you look around, you realize everyone else is too…
The plasma center was purgatory on earth for most of us there…
So I took those 120-180 minutes a week to religiously read a book called DotComSecrets when I was in the beginning of my journey as a marketer.
I read it over and over. I studied it like my life depended on it…
Because in most ways it did.
I knew that if I didn’t figure out my path that I would die inside. It would be my body that would take a few decades to catch up with my soul – but inevitably, I would be dead.
That book, DotComSecrets was one of the catalysts for this beautiful journey I am on that has led me to so many things.
My personal and professional growth…
My partnership with McBilly Sy…
The lessons I have learned and wisdom I’ve acquired…
The friendships I’ve made on the way…
I owe so much to that book (and the ones that came after)…
And it’s a wonderful “full-circle” moment, 7 years later for me to be in the Inner Circle Mastermind with the author of the book that paved the way for me to have so many wonderful things happening for me.
I’m blessed.
Thanks for all you’ve done Russell Brunson, for myself and the rest of us. Your mission is to change the world, I see that, and I want to let you know that you have. The entire marketing community is better because of you, directly or indirectly. Thanks for everything bro.